The body needs to warm-up before a workout!  The same is true for our brains.  We use these quick exercises both offline and online in order to stimulate our brain.  Some of the warm-ups are math based, some language based and others critical thinking.  I have used most of them in the classroom setting and many could be used individually as well.


24 Game – Use 4 digits and the 4 mathematical operations to equal 24

Riddle of the Day – Quick fun riddle

Word of the Day – vocab word for the day

Quote of the Day – or Quotation Station

Number of the Day – quick number exercise that takes one number and asks 10 questions about it

Rebus Puzzles – out of the box thinking and there are books of these as well

Creative Writing – Creativing writing prompts for your writer

Noodlers – visual spatial thinking game

Tangrams  Don’t let those little tykes in the photos fool you!  The hard ones are HARD!

Logic Puzzle books – Check out the reviews, Amazon has a bunch!

Mystery Object– Closeup photos – ask what do you think this is?  What makes you say that exactly?

Word Ladders – Word puzzle

Would You Rather – A new question every day

Puzzle Paradise – various puzzles

Mancala and DIY game – Classic mancala game and how to make one yourself from

Scattergories – fun verbal game of topics

Here’s My Amazon List, too!


SET Game – classic game and there is a new one every day!  Great for individuals or teams with a smart board

Scrabble Online – classic Scrabble

Quiddler – an online game or card game

Kakooma  – various math puzzles

KenKen Puzzles – a very addictive math puzzle!  These are fun!

WangDoodles – a Math Playground game

Word Wipe – fun word game

What’s the Question? – Instead of asking a question, present a photo and have them generate the question

Simon Says – the class Simon game

Mancala Online – Mancala online

Puzzle Collection – lots of puzzles

Brain Teasers  — Older kids – list of brain teasers

Wonderopolis – lots of things to click on and wonder about!

Chess – Play with the computer, set your own level and even has a “coach” option

Logic Games – various logic games

Everyday Mysteries – the answer to life’s mysteries!

BrainPop Game – Guts and Bolts – game

GeoGuesser – Given a location, can you guess where you are in the world?